Rules & Regulations



I. By registering as a Howick Golf Club (Inc.) (HGC) member you are becoming a member of Howick Golf Club (Inc.) and an affiliated member of Golf New Zealand. In registering you are confirming full acceptance of the HGC and Golf NZ Rules and Constitution Terms; including any changes that may be made to the Terms from time to time.


II. To become a member; prospective members must register their interest by completing and forwarding an application form to the office providing all the correct information requested on the application form.


III. Personal information provided at the time of registration is to be true and correct. It is your responsibility to update personal information as and when necessary.


IV. Registration forms are for a single application only.


V. At time of registration those registering will need to define their home club. A Home Club member is able to represent the Howick Golf Club in pennants, be forwarded for provincial selection and are able to be nominated as an Officer of the Club.


VI. Golfers may be a member of more than one club but it is not possible to be a Home Club member to more than (1) Club in New Zealand under the Dot Golf system. If golfers register with 2 or more clubs, they must define secondary membership status as well as home club status.


VII. Howick Golf Club members consent to the disclosure of their personal information, including but not limited to their name, email address, and golf scores on the Golf New Zealand site. These websites are viewed by persons who visits the Golf New Zealand and the Howick Golf Club website.


VIII. Howick Golf Club members consent to receiving communication from Golf New Zealand, but also have the option to opt.


IX. New members will be invoiced and on payment, receive a HGC and Golf NZ membership number. The latter will need to be activated by the Member.


X. Access to the booking sheet, club events, other golf tournaments will be received on allocation of membership number.


XI. HGC special memberships discounts able to be received on allocation of a membership number.


XII. Howick Golf Club members will receive an invoice to re-join after completion of their term


2.0. Conduct & Behaviour:

I. Members, members guests and the public when using the Club facilities are required to act in a responsible and decent manner in accordance with rules and directives as determined by Howick Golf Club.


II. As determined by the discretion of Howick Golf Club, any member, guest, or visitor whose conduct is determined to endanger the welfare, safety, harmony or good reputation of HGC or its members, or is otherwise improper, may be reprimanded, suspended or expelled from HGC and have all privileges associated with the membership suspended or revoked by the Club.


III. Howick Golf Club reserves the right to be the sole determinant and judge of what amounts to improper conduct; however, improper conduct will include but not limited to the following:


a) Defaulting on member obligations, including non-payment of outstanding dues, fees or charges.

b) Not adhering to directives and rules outlined by HGC.

c) Providing false information on agreements entered into with the HGC.

d) Abusive treatment of HGC members, guests, and employees of the course and facilities.

e) Non-compliance with our Club and associated Auckland Council Alcohol Licencing agreement.


IV. If the HGC applies disciplinary action against a member, that member will be given the opportunity to explain why disciplinary action should not be applied at a Special Disciplinary Hearing.


V. During the period that the complaint is outstanding and prior to the hearing, the member’s privileges and access to the facility will be suspended. The HGC will attempt to conduct a hearing as soon as practicably possible.


VI. In the event that the HGC take disciplinary action against a member, HGC may restrict some or all of a member’s and their guests club privileges.


VII. In instances where disciplinary action has taken place and HGC deems the Member’s conduct as inappropriate, the Member will not be entitled to any refund of dues, fees or charges. The Member’s obligation to pay fees, dues or other charges as required under this agreement shall continue to accrue and shall be paid in full, prior to the reinstatement of a Member.


3.0. Rules Applicable to The Howick Golf Course:

I. The R&A rules shall apply throughout, except when modified by the Match Committee. These changes will be noted on the score card or otherwise posted on the local rules board.


II. It is expected that all members, guests, as well as green fee players, and anyone utilizing the golf course and facility will adhere to the daily management directives issued by the Pro Shop Staff. Pro Shop Staff under will enforce the HGC and R&A rules.


III. The HGC Match Committee will determine when the golf course is open for play, the event structure and the order of play.


IV. Booking a round: All players will have to book a tee time prior to play. On arrival, register with the pro-shop and collect a scorecard.


V. Non Members must notify the pro shop by telephone of online booking tee time cancellations as soon as possible.


VI. Members are not permitted to book a tee time with guests and then fail to show up without the exact number of guests as booked. Any breach of the above booking regulations will be subject to disciplinary action. Guest are no permitted to play as guest without the member being present.


VII. The general principle of play is that Fourballs and Foursomes have the right of way. The matter of priority will be based on pace of play being exhibited by respective golfing groups.


VIII. Players may be required to be grouped with other players so as to make up fourball. The configuration of groups will be at the discretion of the Club Officials.


IX. Groups of five or more players will only be permitted at the discretion and permission of Club Officials and are not permitted during standard play.


X. Any group missing their tee time will forfeit their place and will have to wait for the next available tee time.


XI. Practicing on the course is strictly prohibited.


XII. Players will be required to adhere to general Match Committee rules associated with actions and activities on the golf course each day. While in the process of playing the course, players must ensure that they leave bunkers in a smooth and contoured condition consistent with the intended pattern and contour of the bunkers. Bunker rakes are to be left in the middle of the bunkers, and away from the most likely lines of play.


XIII. Players are required to repair all ball marks on the greens.


XIV. Players are required to repair all divots on the fairways and throughout the course.


XV. Each player on the course is required to have his or her own set of golf clubs.


XVI. Members and other individuals utilizing the golf course must follow course signage.


XVII. Golf course maintenance staff/equipment have the right of way at all times.


XVIII. Members, guests and the general are required to observe the rules whilst enjoying the golf course facility.


XIX. The HGC will from time to time recommended tee box utilization as to the category and skill level of the Players.


XX. It is the objective of HGC to encourage a reasonable standard for speed of play, and to minimize and or eliminate slow play. Players are expected to keep up to the group in front of them and adhere to the following:

a) Eighteen (18) holes of golf should take anywhere from four (4) to four and one half (4½) hours to play.

b) Players may adhere to the concept of ‘‘ready golf’’, which means that provided that the other Players in your group will not in any way be endangered by your intended shot, you can proceed, notwithstanding that the other Players may be somewhat further out from the green than you;

c) Take a sufficient number of clubs to ensure that you can complete your shot when leaving your golf cart;

d) Be ready to putt when it is your turn by making your alignment and determining various other factors while other Players are putting, providing you do not interfere with their putting . . . putt out providing that you are not stepping on or interfering with the line of another player;

e) When you have had an inordinate number of strokes on a hole, pick up;

f) Assist other Players in determining where their ball has travelled to and provide them with some guidance as to the location;

g) Consistently slow Players will be encouraged to play quicker and adhere to the general rules of the club regarding pace of play;

h) Howick Golf Club will from time to time have a Club Official on the course to assist the Players in maintaining a reasonable pace of play;

i) Club Officials will have the authority to expedite play in whatever manner is deemed necessary;

j) Players are required to adhere to any direction or advice or recommendation provided by Club Officials, and Players failing to adhere to such directions will be reported to the club.


Hospitality. All members must comply with requests from the Bar and Hospitality staff in regards to the Auckland Council licencing laws. (


SMOKING. Smoking is not permitted with-in 4 meters of any entrance way, in any enclosed area or immediate vicinity of the clubhouse, Gazebo or Pro-Shop. The designated smoking area is adjacent to the wash down area in the car park.


Member Charge Accounts: The member charge accounts at HGC are operated on a credit POS system. The member is required to have a credit on his/her account in order to make a charge to their account.


The HGC will not be responsible for mailing out member account statements

Member Charge Account Discrepancies: If any member wishes to dispute a charge to their account, please contact administration directly.


Maintenance, Promotion & Marketing:

The HGC reserves the right to close the course for required maintenance and to close the course and exclude members as well as the public, to facilitate group play, civic, charitable, or business tournaments and other special events from time to time.

Notwithstanding this reservation, the HGC will minimize any such activities so as to afford the membership reasonable access to the facilities. The HGC will attempt to accommodate charitable, family and business tournaments advocated and requested by its membership.



A hole in one is considered valid if:


  • The hole in one is made during any round of at least nine holes, played at Howick Golf Club from the official tees & attested by a playing partner. The scorecard must be signed and entered into Dotgolf.
  • The player must be playing with one ball in accordance with the rules of golf.

A hole in one made in a practice round in which the player is playing two or more balls or not submitting a card for handicapping purposes will not be accepted


  • Howick Golf Club members will receive a trophy and their name will be placed onto the hole in one board. Additionally, members playing in an official club competition or scramble will receive a $100 bar tab.
  • When a hole-in-one occurs at another club a trophy will be presented but is not recorded on the hole-in-one board.
  • Visitors to Howick Golf Club receive none of the above.

$100 Bar Tab


  • The $100 bar tab is to be spent in one shout while our upstairs bar is open. If the bar is open, it must be spent the same day as the hole in one.
  • If the bar is closed the hole in one bar tab can be held for no longer than 2 weeks with permission from the office or operations team. This extended tab must still be spent in one day or one shout and cannot be credited to any member account.



Any complaints should be made to the General Manager or Board via email (